
Editorial boards of International Journals

Acta Virologica 

(established in 1957) is an international journal of predominantly molecular and cellular virology. It provides means for rapid publication of original papers dealing with fundamental research mainly on human, animal and plant viruses. As a matter of tradition also rickettsiae are included. Published 4-times a year in English language by the Academic Electronic Press, Ltd. Slovakia

obálka Acta Virologica 1/2020

ISSN 0001-723X (print)
ISSN 1336-2305 (online)
Edited by the Institute of Virology BMC SAS.
Abstracted and Indexed in: Web of Science, PubMed, Current Contents, Excerpta Medica database (EMBASE), Google Scholar (Index Copernicus),  CrossRef (DOI), Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS), Chemical Abstracts
Chief Editor: Gustáv Russ, DSc. (until 2017), Katarína Polčicová, PhD. (since 2018)

The Editorial office of Acta Virologica has been recently addressed by the Frontiers Open Access Publisher that expressed an interest to acquire Acta Virologica into its portfolio. The contract negotiations are in process.

Impact factor (Web of Science)
IF 2016: 0,673
IF 2017: 0,696
IF 2018: 0,554
IF 2019: 0,793
IF 2020: 1,162
SJR H-index 334

Endocrine regulations

(since 1967 to 1990 Endocrinologia Experimentalis) is an international journal on experimental and clinical endocrinology and diabetes. Published 4-times a year in English language by De Gruyter Open Ltd., Germany.

ISSN 1210 0668 (print)
ISSN 1336 0329 (online)
Edited by the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology BMC SAS.
Indexed in: SCImago (SJR), SCOPUS, PubMed, Semantic Scholar, Medline, ENSCO etc.
Chief Editor: Alexander Kiss

SJR H-index 325


(established in 1954) is an international journal publishing research articles on experimental and clinical oncology and cancer epidemiology.


Published 6-times a year in English language by the Academic Electronic Press, Ltd. Slovakia.
ISSN 0028-2685 (print)
ISSN 1338-4317 (online)
Edited by the Cancer Research Institute BMC SAS.
Indexed in: Web of Science, PubMed, Current Contents (Life Sciences), Excerpta Medica database (EMBASE), Google Scholar (Index Copernicus), CrossRef (Digital Object Identifiers: DOI)
Chief Editor: Jela Brozmanová, DSc.

Impact factor (Web of Science)
IF 2016: 1,871
IF 2017: 1,696
IF 2018: 1,771
IF 2019: 1,721
IF 2020: 2,575

SJR H-index 503