Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Jeffrey A. Chao (03. 12. 2020)

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Lecture by Dr. Jeffrey A. Chao from the Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland, entitled „Imagining the LIFE and DEATH of mRNAs in single cell“ from the CAPSID Seminar Speaker Series, will take place on 03 December 2020 at 2 p.m. via online broadcasting via the ZOOM application.


How can the same genome give rise to a diversity of stable cell types? Epigenetics refers to processes that modulate the expression of a genotype into one or multiple distinct phenotypes. Molecularly, such modulation is mainly mediated by transcriptional and post-transcriptional modes of gene regulation.

The Epigenetics research groups at the FMI study basic principles of transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation. We are particularly interested in understanding how such regulatory pathways specify and maintain cell identity, as well as influence cellular differentiation and reprogramming.

Gene expression requires an orchestrated series of events that is regulated temporally and spatially within the cell. After transcription, an mRNA must be spliced, processed, exported, transported and translated before it is eventually degraded. At each step, the factors that control the fate of the mRNA in either the nucleus or cytoplasm must be appropriately assembled, disassembled or remodeled. Not only is the composition of these macromolecular complexes dynamic, but there are also over 2000 proteins in the human genome involved in RNA metabolism, which makes them extremely heterogeneous as well. In order to better understand the molecular underpinnings that regulate these processes and how these complexes function within their cellular context, our research combines biochemical and structural (X-ray crystallography) techniques with single-molecule imaging of mRNAs in living cells.


More information about lecture and registration on the project web site: 



Funding programme of the CAPSID project: Interreg V-A Slovakia-Austria
