
February 4, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Prof. Matthias Wilmanns (04. 02. 2021)

Lecture by Prof. Matthias Wilmanns from European Molecular Biology Laboratory Hamburg, entitled „The sarcomeric protein myomesin has it
January 26, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Prof. Imre Berger (28. 01. 2021)

Lecture by Prof. Imre Bergera from Max Planck Bristol Centre, UK, entitled „The Bristol MultiBac Platform in the
January 21, 2021
budova kde sídli Predsedníctvo SAV

Opinion of the Slovak Academy of Sciences on vaccination

The opinion is based on scientific facts and medical evidence derived from reliable and publicly available sources. It
January 20, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Prof. Olwyn Byron (21. 01. 2021)

Lecture by Prof. Olwyn Byron from the University of Glasgow, UK, entitled „The role of AUC and SAXS: Understanding