
April 27, 2020
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Arthur Sedivy (30. 04. 2020)

Lecture by Dr. Arthur Sedive, a researcher at the Vienna BioCentre, entitled “From MST to TRIC – using
April 17, 2020

BMC SAS keeps the seniors in motion even at the time of the corona

The epidemic of the Covid-19 disease brings several challenges. These include the movement restriction which can have a
March 19, 2020
RNDr. Boris Klempa, DrSc.

Scientists of the BMC SAS managed to isolate the first Slovak strains of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

In a special laboratory with the highest level 3 of biosecurity (BSL3), virologists from the Institute of Virology
March 13, 2020
Visualization of the coronavirus

BMC SAS prepares to help the state test the samples

At this time, scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences are intensely preparing to test the samples for