
July 1, 2021
MVDr. Juraj Kopáček, DrSc. počas podujatia Inovačný deň so zahraničnými veľvyslancami

Innovation Day with foreign ambassadors at the Biomedical Research Center SAS

The objective of the so-called Innovation Days, which are gradually organised by the Ministry of Foreign and European
June 30, 2021
ocenení z BMC SAV počas odovzdávania Cien SAV

The Slovak Academy of Sciences Awards of 2020

In the private environment of the Small Congress Centre SAS in Bratislava, top scientists of the SAS were
June 23, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – prof. Frank Vollmer (24. 06. 2021)

Lecture by prof. Frank Vollmer from the Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, UK entitled „Light waves meet molecular machines:
June 11, 2021
Monitoring inváznych druhov komárov – ovipozičná nádoba/pasca

Asian invasive mosquito species Aedes japonicus japonicus noticed in Slovakia

Monitoring of invasive mosquito species in 2020 revealed a new species of invasive mosquito in Slovakia as well.
June 9, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Claudio Alfieri (10. 06. 2021)

Lecture by Dr. Claudio Alfieri from The Institute for Cancer Research, London, UK entitled „Molecular snapshots of cell cycle control
May 26, 2021
ilustračná mapa s vyznačenými krajinami, ktorú sú súčasťou projektu Alliance4Life

The new A4L_ACTIONS project just started

The kick-off conference of the H2020 project A4L_ACTIONS, connecting twelve members from the strategic partnership called Alliance4Life, took
May 18, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Qian Wu (20. 05. 2021)

Lecture by Dr. Qian Wu from Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, University of Leeds, UK entitled „BRCT domain in
April 29, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Jana Neuhold (29. 04. 2021)

Lecture by Dr. Jana Neuhold from VBCF, AT entitled „GoldenBac: A simple, highly efficient, and widely applicable system for construction of
April 27, 2021
logo projekt Impulz

IMPULZ 2021 call for applications

The Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS Presidium) approved the current Call for Applications for the
April 20, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Peter W. Schuck (22. 04. 2021)

Lecture by Dr. Peter W. Schuck from NIH, Bethesda, US entitled „Potential and Limitations of Multi-Method Approaches for Studying
April 14, 2021
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Joachim Goedhart (15. 04. 2021)

Lecture by Dr. Joachim Goedhart from University of Amsterdam, NL entitled „Imaging G-protein signaling with genetically encoded fluorescent probes“ from the
April 12, 2021
prezidentka SR Zuzana Čaputová

President Zuzana Čaputová expressed support for the Biomedical Research Center SAS

Today, the President visited ŠÚKL and BMC SAS within her work programme to express her support and full